"We believe every child is unique and the diversity of our students is what makes Enfield Public Schools exceptional.To thrive and excel, all are welcomed, accepted, respected, and supported."District Equity Statement

Student Survey 6 - 12

Student Survey - Secondary


  Enfield Public Schools    

Student Survey: Grades 6-12

Listed below are several statements about your teachers as a whole.  Indicate your response to each statement.  If you wish to comment, please write your comments in the space provided.

School Name:   

1. Give clear instructions

2. Treat everyone fairly

3. Available for help outside of class time

4. Clearly state the objectives for the lesson

5. Return assignments in a reasonable amount of time

6. Relate lessons to other subjects and/or to the real world

7. Respect different opinions

8. Encourage all students to learn

9. Use a variety of activities in class

10. Communicate in a way I understand

11. Manage the classroom with minimum disruptions

12. Show respect to all students

13. Enforce disciplinary rules fairly


14. Make sure class time is used for learning


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