Dr. Jeffrey A. Schumann, presented his proposed FY2015-16 budget at the January 13, 2015 Regular Board of Education Meeting.
The Board of Education approved the FY2015-16 Proposed Budget on February 17, 2015.
To view the Superintendent's Proposed Budget, the Board of Education's Approved Proposed Budget, the FY2015-16 Budget Adjustment Worksheets, FY2015-16 Public Hearing Presentation or the FY2015-16 Approved Budget, please click on the links below. If you have any questions, please contact us at 860-253-6531. Thank you.
FY2015-16 Superintendent's Budget Presentation - 01-13-15
FY 2015-16 Board of Educations's Approved Proposed Budget -03-17-15
FY2015-16 Budget Adjustment Worksheets - 03-16-15
FY2015-16 Public Hearing Budget Presentation - 04-29-15
FY2015-16 Approved Budget - Final
Posted: 10-23-15