Nutrition Services 1010 Enfield Street Enfield CT 860-253-6511
Please check this page for answers to frequently asked questions. You can also find answers to your questions if you look at the documents posted in the section "New Meal Pattern".
Q: Does my child have to take a milk with their meal?
A: No they do not have to take a milk but if they are purchasing a "reimbursable meal"
they do have to choose at least 3 of the 5 components offered and one choice has to be a 1/2 cup fruit or vegetable. Milk does not have to be chosen as one of the components.
Q: Why can't my child have a bottled water or a juice instead of milk?
A: Per federal regulations, water and juice cannot be substituted for milk. Only beverages that have the a certain nutrient makeup similar to milk can be substituted for milk, for example - lactaid.
Q: Can I get money back out of account if my child leaves Enfield Schools or does not use account any longer?
A: Yes call Nutrition Office to arrange either a refund or to transfer funds to a sibling account. 860-253-6511