Enfield Nutrition Services
1010 Enfield Street
Enfield CT 06082
Click on link below for information on the
Dec. 27th distribution of Lunches:
Meal Pricing Update School Year 2024-25
Enfield Public Schools
Please note that the State Funded
FREE Breakfast for PAID STATUS STUDENTS ONLY has ended.
Free Breakfast & Lunches for Paid Status Only students have ended, and we will be returning to PAID BREAKFAST & LUNCHES for any student whodoes not quality for Free or Reduced-Price meals.
The cost for Meals based on Status:
PAID status BREAKFAST: $1.25 for Grades K-5 and $1.50 for Grades 6-12
PAID status LUNCH: $1.75 for Grades K-5 and $2.25 for Grades 6-12.
REDUCED status Breakfast and Lunch: No charge due to St of CT funding for one breakfast & one lunch per day.
FREE status Breakfast and Lunch: No charge for one breakfast & one lunch per day.
If you only want your student to have a milk, the cost is $ .50 and will be charged to your student account.
Families can fund student accounts by sending in cash or checks to the child's school or can use MySchoolBucks.com to fund their students’ account.
You can qualify for Free or Reduced-Price meals by being on the Direct Certified list provided to us by the ST of CT Dept. of Social Services or by qualifying by submitting a Free/Reduced Meal Application. The Direct Certified list is received later in August, and you will be mailed a letter if your student is on the list. Free/Reduced Meal Applications are available at your student’s school or click in the tab to the left of this page. A determination letter will be sent after the application is processed.
Please note that ST of Ct has also provided funding so that any student who qualifies for Reduced Price meals will not be charged for breakfast or lunch.
Please contact Nutrition Services for any questions: 860-253-6511.
AT EHS and All Elementary Schools
The menu for Friday December 6th is now:
Chicken Fajita Meal (was Mini Corn Dog).
The Menu for Tuesday December 10th is now:
Mini Corn Dogs (was Hot Dog).
Thank you for your understanding!