"We believe every child is unique and the diversity of our students is what makes Enfield Public Schools exceptional.To thrive and excel, all are welcomed, accepted, respected, and supported."District Equity Statement

Health Services


- Access Health CT Information
- Health Alerts
- Suicide Prevention Steering Committee
- Wellness, Celebrations & Education Experiences with Food
- Student Accident Insurance
- Health Services

Communicating With The School Concerning A Student's Health

Please alert the school nurse if your child has a health condition that may require individualized planning for safety, emergency care, health care services, or evacuation.

The school nurse should be notified of changes in the student health status and of illness, injury, hospitalization or a change in treatment or medication.

  • Parents/guardians should call the school absence line when their child is absent due to illness or injury.
  • Parents/guardians should consult the school nurse immediately if they anticipate that their child may be absent for medical reasons for more than three days. The school nurse will obtain the necessary medical information and initiate the process for school/team decision-making and planning, as indicated. Please contact the school nurse in advance of an absence of more than three days, if possible, or in an emergency, quickly thereafter.

Students with Special Health Care Needs

Enfield Public Schools are committed to ensuring that students who have special health care needs due to chronic and acute health conditions receive the supports and services necessary to remain safe and, to the extent possible, maintain their baseline health status during school. "Students with special health care needs" refers to those students who have a medically diagnosed chronic health condition such as asthma, diabetes, life-threatening food allergy, cardiac abnormality, juvenile arthritis, celiac disease, migraine headache, seizures, or a significant acute illness or injury requiring treatment and a period of recovery, such as concussion, mononucleosis, Lyme disease, or fractured arm or leg. For students with such conditions, the school team collaborates with the family and student's health care provider to identify school-based needs and develop an appropriate plan of care to meet those needs. That plan is called an "individualized health care plan" (IHCP). For students at high risk for a health or safety emergency in school, an "individualized emergency medical plan" (IEMP) is developed as a part of the IHCP. Some students may also require an "individualized transportation plan" (ITP) as part of the IHCP. Parents who have a child with special health care needs are encouraged to speak with the school nurse regarding the appropriateness and process for developing an IHCP. These plans may be incorporated into a student's individualized special education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan if eligible.

Health Assessments (Physical Examinations)

In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-206, the Enfield Board of Education requires each sixth and tenth-grade student to have a health assessment. This mandated health assessment may be performed anytime after the student's last day of fifth or ninth-grade year through September 1 st of the seventh and eleventh-grade year, and must be performed by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine (M.D. or D.O.) who is licensed in Connecticut or another state, or by a qualified registered nurse or advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant licensed to practice in Connecticut.

The health assessment must be documented on the State Department of Education's required health assessment record (HAR-3) or "blue form," and must include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Review and update of state-mandated immunizations to ensure compliance with requirements (obtain information from the health office).
  2. Hemoglobin or hematocrit, blood pressure, height and weight, vision, hearing, speech, postural and gross dental screenings;
  3. Risk assessment for tuberculosis. If the student is in a high-risk group, a Mantoux test for tuberculosis sensitivity must be administered and the test results must be documented on the form;
  4. Chronic disease assessment (newly added to the HAR-3 2002 form).
  5. For your information: CT colleges now require students to have the meningococcal vaccine for college entry; other states may require it for college entry as well.

If a parent or legal guardian (or student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor) objects on religious grounds to:

  • the state-mandated health assessment, a signed statement to that effect must be submitted to the school nurse.
  • immunizations, a signed copy of the Immunization Exemptions and Exclusions-From-School form must be already on file or submitted to the school nurse along with complete HAR3 form.

If a mandated immunization is contraindicated for medical reasons, a written statement from the health care provider, including the reason for continued deferment, must be submitted to the school nurse along with the completed HAR-3 form.

The HAR-3 form is reviewed by the school nurse and filed in the student's confidential school health record. If you have questions or confidentiality concerns, please speak with the school nurse.

Medical Clearance for Sports Eligibility

Eligibility requirements for participation in interscholastic sports includes medical clearance verifying that a student is in appropriate physical condition to play the sport. The sports physical differs from the routine physical, as the medical provider performs a more extensive assessment of the musculoskeletal system and also evaluates for prior injuries such as concussions, soft tissue injuries and broken bones.

The sports physical can be performed by your primary care provider. The sports physical form must be completed by the parent/guardian, the student athlete and the primary care provider and be submitted to the school nurses BEFORE the student is allowed to practice or play.

Click below for a CIAC sports physical form for grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

- http://www.casciac.org/pdfs/physical.pdf

Click below for a ST of CT Health Assessment form for grade 10

Health Assessment Record

It is the student's responsibility to maintain a current sports physical on file with the school nurse. A lapse in providing a current physical will result in suspension from participation according to CIAC rules.


School nurses provide the following mandated screenings for students, as required by CT General Statutes, Section 10-214 in the following grades. Please keep in mind that they are screening exams and are not meant to take the place of professional vision, hearing and other medical evaluations. Although screenings are conducted annually in specific grades, they can also be performed on request for any child if a parent, teacher or nurse has a concern about the student's ability to see, hear or perform in school.

Vision - Students in Grades K,1,3,5
Hearing - Students in Grades K,1, 3,4, 5
Postural Screenings - Female Students - Grades 5&7; Male Students - Grade 9

The parents/guardians of students who need further evaluation by a physician will be notified. Parents should return the referral form to the school nurse after it has been completed by a physician. Please notify the school nurse if you do not wish your child to participate in these screenings.

Leaving School Because of Illness

The school nurse will ask a parent/guardian to pick up any student who becomes ill during school hours or who has an illness or injury that, in the professional judgment of the school nurse, needs to be observed at home or assessed by a medical doctor. Examples include:

  • Fever over 100 degrees
  • Seizure
  • Severe asthmatic episode
  • Head injury
  • Generalized allergic reaction
  • Communicable illness
  • Injury requiring stitches
  • Fracture
  • Possible soft tissue injury
  • Dental injury

Students must not leave school because of illness without authorization, and must be signed out by a parent/guardian.


9-1-1 will be called in a health or mental health emergency for immediate transportation of a student to the hospital.

Staying Home Due to Illness

To safeguard the health of all students, we ask parents to monitor their children for possible communicable diseases and to keep their children home when they are ill or contagious.

Students must stay home from school if they:

  • Have a fever over 100.0
    • then remain home for 24 hours after an elevated temperature returns to normal without anti-inflammatory medication;
  • Have an undiagnosed rash;
  • Have vomited in the past 24 hours
    • then remain home for 24 hours after vomiting has ended;
  • Have more than one episode of diarrhea;
    • then remain home for 24 hours after diarrhea has ended;
  • Have copious yellow/green mucus discharge from nose;
  • Complain of severe earache, with or without fever;
  • Have a severe sore throat with symptoms indicating possible strep throat;
    • Then remain at home after a throat culture – until the results are available and regardless of health care provider advice;
    • For 24 hours after their first dose of medication with a diagnosis of strep throat, to prevent the spread to other students;
  • Have conjunctivitis (pink eye) with discharge;
    • then remain home until the prescribed treatment has been given for 24 hours;
  • Have an active infestation of head lice, scabies, or other infestation/communicable disease
    • then remain home until they are adequately treated.
    • Upon their return to school, they will be assessed by the school nurse to determine their status.
  • Have a communicable illness.

Physical Education Exclusion Procedures

Physical education is a subject required of all students by State of Connecticut Statue. If there is any reason of a medical nature, which would cause a restriction in physical education activities, the following procedure is to be followed.

Elementary school*

  • Parent/guardian may write a note to excuse the student from physical education class for 1-2 days.
  • Should the student need to be excused for a longer period of time, the primary healthcare provider must fill out the appropriate form. The form may be obtained from the school nurse or downloaded below. A new form is required for each school year.

*Students who are excused from physical education class will also be restricted from recess and after school intramural sports.

Middle school -

  • If a student does not feel well enough to participate in Physical Education, the nurse can sign the student out ONCE. The student will make-up the class after school when feeling better. If the student does not participate in other PE classes, a doctorís note is required for a medical excuse.
  • If a student has an injury or disability that impacts the school day (i.e. cast, crutches, brace or limited walking or carrying etc.) a doctorís note is required with specific limitations and length of disabilities.
  • If a student has a physical injury that prevents participation in PE, the doctor's note serves as a medical excuse and does not affect the grade.
  • If a student has an injury, he/she is to report to the nurse's office on the first day back. The nurse issue the pass, sets up the buddy, etc. All students with injuries must be on record in the nurse's office in case of emergency.

As always, in middle school, the above guidelines are subject to change with every situation.

High school -

Participation Excuse

  1. A student well enough to be in school is generally well enough to be dressed and participating in class. Any exception to this will be handled on an individual basis.
  2. A note from a parent is required to excuse a student due to injury or illness. It will be accepted for a MAXIMUM of 1 DAY. Should the student need to be excused for a longer period of time, the primary healthcare provider must fill out the appropriate form. The form may be obtained from the school nurse or downloaded below. A new form is required for each school year.

PE Excuse Form



Please call the Special Education Coordinator at the Enfield Board of Education at 860-253-6519.

Head Start

Please call the program at 860-253-6470.

Elementary School (K-5)

All elementary school children, regardless of grade or time of year, are registered at their district school.

Secondary School (6-12)

Secondary school registration is handled by the guidance department of the respective school. Appointments may be made to discuss programs by telephoning the school guidance office.

In order for your child to be fully enrolled, the school needs the following documents for registration:

1. Copy of the student's birth certificate

2. Copy of the student's social security card

3. Proof of residency in Enfield (utility bill, lease, forwarded mail)

4. Proof of physical*

5. Proof of immunizations*

6. Proof of Guardianship/Parental Custody, if applicable

7. Proof of immigration status must be provided If not a citizen,

8. Copy of cumulative and health records from the previous school

*Before a student can be enrolled in an Enfield Public School, their medical information must be reviewed by one of the nurses.

If you have any questions about registration, please call the schools directly for information.

If you are unsure of your elementary school district, please call the receptionist at the Enfield Board of Education at 860-253-6557 or the administrative assistant to the Superintendent at 860-253-6531.