Ashley Schell to march in 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
Parade® with the Band Directors Marching Band
Following its amazing inaugural appearance in the 2022 Rose Parade,® Saluting America’s Band
Directors project is bringing together band directors from across the country to New York City on
November 23, 2023 under the theme, “America’s band directors: We teach music. We teach life.”
Ashley Schell, the Band Director at Enfield High School, has been selected to join a marching band of 400
band directors from across the country in the historic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® on November 23,
2023. Schell says, “I am incredibly excited to represent the town I grew up, but also to show my students the
importance of advocating for music education in our society. Everyone listens to music, whether they want to
or not, and continuing to provide education that connects music, emotion, and interdisciplinary connections is
truly something worth highlighting! Enfield also has an incredible music program that deserves to be
celebrated and I’m honored to be part of it.”
The Saluting America’s Band Directors parade entry will again convey its theme, “America’s band directors:
We teach music. We teach life.” to recognize the extraordinary dedication and accomplishments of band
directors and music educators everywhere. Throughout their careers, the music educators in this band have
collectively mentored and taught hundreds of thousands of students. These professionals not only teach and
direct music, they teach about life itself.
The band will be directed by nationally known music educator and innovative band director Jon Waters. The
sponsoring organization behind the Saluting America’s Band Directors project is the Michael D. Sewell
Memorial Foundation, based in Pickerington, Ohio. The foundation was created to recognize and carry on the
work of the late Mike Sewell, who dedicated his life to the school and community music programs in
Pickerington and the Central Ohio area for almost 40 years.