"We believe every child is unique and the diversity of our students is what makes Enfield Public Schools exceptional.To thrive and excel, all are welcomed, accepted, respected, and supported."District Equity Statement

PowerSchool (and other important links)

Auto-size PNG Image Important Links
  1. Teachers: - PowerSchool => LOGIN Here!
  2. Teachers: CT-SEDS => LOGIN Here!
  3. Certified Staff: Unified Talent => LOGIN Here!
  4.  => PowerSource - training materials
  5. Student and Parents => Login
  6. Performance Matters Analytics => Login
  7. Substitutes => Login
  8. Administrators => Login
  9. Registration - (Secretaries only) => Login
  10.  => PowerSchool Learning (future)
  11.  => School Nurses
  12.  => SNAP Website status
  13.  => FrontLine - admin